After "Aunt Carolyn's" (Mrs. Dayton Hobbs) first recording, folks requested "more". "MORE Hymns from the Heart" is exactly that—more hymns simply played in her unique style so listeners can sing along in their hearts or aloud. Preacher's wife, mother, grandmother, teacher, author, and storyteller, her desire is to lift up the Lord Jesus Christ and turn hearts to Him. May these hymns be a blessing.
Track Listing:
1. Ivory Palaces
2. His Eye Is On The Sparrow
3. Is Your All On The Altar; I Surrender All
4. Room At The Cross; Calvary Covers It All
5. In The Hollow Of His Hand
6. God Leads Us Along; Savior Like a Shepherd
7. Blessed Assurance
8. Does Jesus Care?
9. Wonderful Peace; Thou Will Keep Him in Perfect Peace
10. Safe In The Arms Of Jesus
11. Near To The Heart Of God, Nearer Still Nearer
12. Let the Lower lights be burning, Throw out the lifeline